Dark Joker: El film de Heath Ledger.

Posted on 11:18 by Álvaro Zúñiga | 1 comentarios

Luego de varias decepciones con films que no tenían mucho que ofrecer con la excepción de IronMan, llegó The Dark Night. No es solo la mejor película del verano sino del año hasta el momento. Inteligente, oscura, magnética, es increible. La actuación de Heath como el Joker es ya de una nominación al Oscar por logro propio. El diálogo que pone el director Nolan es rápido y justo en todo momento. Otorga a todos los personajes un momento y espacio, todos son parte del PLAN. Técnicamente es muy buena, la fotografía, el sonido y hasta los efectos especiales son llevados con gran maestría. Lo que nos trae un film como estos es que reviven el porqué el cine es un entretenimiento y provoca emociones. Ojala los estudios piensen en hacer películas como ésta, es raro ver hoy en día algo así.

Áca algunos de los diálogos que harán de esta cinta, algo memorable:

The Joker: You see, nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying. If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic. Because it's all part of the plan. But tell people that one tiny little mayor is going to die and everyone loses their minds!

The Joker: [to Batman] We really should stop fighting, we'll miss the fireworks!
The Joker: The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!
The Joker: See, I'm not a monster...I'm just ahead of the curve.

The Joker: Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches? Hmm? Then we'll see, how loyal, a hungry dog really is. It's not about the money... it's about... sending a message.

The Joker: [speaking to Two-Face] Do I really look like a man with a plan, Harvey? I don't have a plan. The mob has plans, the cops have plans. You know what I am, Harvey? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans. Yours, theirs, everyone's. Maroni has plans. Gordon has plans. Schemers trying to control their worlds. I am not a schemer. I show schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So when I say that what happened to you and your girlfriend wasn't personal, you know I'm telling the truth.

Two-Face: You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world. But you were wrong; the world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance.

y la mejor de todas.

The Joker: [laughs] Kill you? I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, you... you complete me.

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Anónimo dijo...

Yuts, daw palagpat imo blog.